Association of Women in the Metal Industries (AWMI)Â is an organization of professionals, founded in California in 1981, to promote and develop the growth of women in the metal industries. AWMI believes that women in similar industries can benefit themselves and their companies through relationships, education and shared knowledge. The programs and activities of AWMI are intended to enhance members' skills and experience, address challenges confronting the industry, and promote members' career growth with the ultimate goal of increasing the number of women employed in the metal industries. Membership is open to both women and men who are seeking to develop all aspects of their professional development and career advancement.
- Non-profit status – AWMI is a 501C6 tax-exempt, non-profit business league. Dues, meeting expenses and donations to AWMI are not deductible as charitable contributions, but may be deductible as a normal business expense. If you have specific questions, please contact your accountant or tax advisor.
- Politics and Lobbying - AWMI has no lobbying arm. Our members and board members have diverse personal viewpoints and we endeavor to remain nonpartisan. Views expressed by speakers at our events do not necessarily reflect those of AWMI or its board members.
- Code of Conduct – AWMI board members adhere to a Code of Conduct that requires compliance with rules of confidentiality and antitrust laws.
- Antitrust statement –AWMI proudly supports the U.S. Federal and state as well as Canadian antitrust laws which encourage vigorous and open competition. It is AWMI’s policy to observe both the letter and the spirit of these laws. Board members must conduct themselves in a manner consistent with antitrust laws and be familiar with the specific guidelines issued by AWMI. As leaders of AWMI, Board members will enforce antitrust laws to the best of their ability.
Vision/Mission/Strategic Goals
Vision Statement - A metals industry characterized by equal representation of women in key leadership positions.
Mission Statement - AWMI is an international, professional organization dedicated to promoting and supporting the advancement of women in the metal industries.
Strategic GoalsÂ
- Create opportunities for professional interaction among industry participants
- Schedule events that focus on successful networking.
- Increase awareness of AWMI by exhibiting at major industry conferences/trade shows
- Create an environment that fosters personal and professional growth
- Increase individual and corporate membership in AWMI
- Retain existing members and retrieve lapsed and former members
- Add new AWMI chapters where feasible
- Increase attendance/participation at local and international events
- Expand membership beyond strictly metals industry individuals and companies
- Create an accessible continuous learning environment that provides for growth beyond one's current job experience
- Offer annual conferences that combine metals industry speakers and tours with professional and personal development
- Provide useful and relevant programs and training to members and non-members
- Creating an environment that fosters formal and informal mentoring in both personal and professional development
- Welcoming diversity as an opportunity to enrich one's current skill set
- Provide all AWMI members the opportunity to mentor and be mentored