March - AWMI founded by Heidi Doran in Oakland, California with 7 original members
June – AWMI incorporated in California
July – First official meeting
April – First Industry Dinner – F. Kenneth Iverson, President and CEO Nucor Corporation was the speaker
Los Angeles Chapter formed
Chicago, Houston and New York Chapters formed
National Board of Directors formed
First meeting of the National Board of Directors met in Oakland, CA
Structure and function of the National Board decided
First Draft of Bylaws
Plan for membership development
Bylaws ratified at National Board Meeting in Chicago
Creation of the Policy and Guideline Manual
Created the membership category of Sustaining Associate
Relocated National Headquarters to Los Angeles
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Dallas/Ft. Worth and Connecticut Chapters formed
Diversification of the National Board began - NY, Los Angeles and Oakland represented
Dues collections began on a national level
Opened Philadelphia, Atlanta and South Florida Chapters
Dues split between National and Chapters instituted
Board Position networking instituted
Detroit, Boston and the Carolinas were added as affiliated chapters
First AWMI Membership Directory published
Regions were approved and Regional Directors were elected
Fund raising at a national level was instituted
First mill tour incorporated into the National Conference schedule
Continuous Service Award Program started
Regional Networking sessions introduced
St. Louis and Portland became chapters
Headquarters moved to a different location in Southern California and a part-time office administrator was hired
National Video/Educational Library items purchased
Oakland Chapter changed name to San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
Chapter Presidents became the official delegate to the National Board of Directors
Baltimore Chapter opened
First National Industry Dinner held in Oakland, CA
First decade celebration included commemorative items and the addition of plaques for continuous service awards
Regular membership qualifications were broadened
Birmingham Chapter opened
Regions were realigned to four instead of five and regional funds established
Regional meetings and open forum were added to the national conference agenda
National Board Member qualifications and nominating procedures instituted
Seattle Chapter opened
Officers from seven chapters elected to the National Board resulting in the teleconference method of board meetings
AWMI Headquarters moved to a smaller office in Southern CA
“Get Acquainted with AWMI” Program was developed
“Proposals” for changes in policy and motivational speakers were added to the national conference agendas
Clarion Management Resources became AWMI’s professional management firm
Membership qualifications expanded again
Terms of office changed to a January through December calendar year for all offices
Updated Bylaws integrating regions was passed
National Headquarters moved to Virginia (location of Clarion Mgmt. Resources)
South Florida Chapter closed
Rockford, Illinois Chapter and Toronto Chapter opened
AWMI became an international organization
First All Member Conference held in Baltimore, MD
American Metal Marketpresented its first-ever supplement on an association (AWMI) published during this conference celebrating our 15 years in the metals industry
Retirees voted in as a new membership category
National Education programs held in the Northeast and Central Regions
Regions realigned again to five
All Member Conference held in Chicago – seminars and training added to the agenda
Columbus Chapter opened
First AWMI Strategic Plan formed
Four Cornerstone Goals identified – Grow-Educate-Network-Mentor
Connecticut and Boston Chapters merged into The New England Chapter
Alliances formed with ASM, SSCI and NAAD
Chapter Assistance Team formed (CAT)
Sustaining Membership changed to allow a sustaining member to vote and have regular member privileges (with the exception of serving on the International Board of Directors)
Rockford Chapter closed
Corporate membership instituted
The New England Chapter and the Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter closed
Updated AWMI website introduced
The Quad Cities and the Tennessee Chapters opened
Celebration of 25 years in the metals industry
Six founding members and two Oakland charter members attended our International Conference
Talley Management Group became AWMI’s management firm
Mentoring program expanded to include a Mentor of the Month Program and CAT incorporated into Mentoring Goal
First media sponsor at AWMI Leadership Conference– Steel Orbis
Bylaws change to allow sustaining members to serve on AWMI chapter boards
Participated in our first industry trade show - METALCON
Strategic Plan updated
Introduced silver as an alternate metal choice of continuous service awards
Established a presence on Facebook and LinkedIn
Cincinnati/N. Kentucky chapter opened
Voted to consolidate Los Angeles and Northern California Chapters into the California Chapter (effective 2013)
Regional funds assigned to account at Headquarters
Major update of P & G and bylaws completed and approved
New AWMI video completed and introduced at Annual Conference – Denver
Exceeded 1000 members
Trophy for exceeding Chapter Membership Goals introduced
Cost of Continuous Service Awards absorbed by HQ
Voted to eliminate Proxy votes effective 2013 – President or Chapter Delegate votes only permitted